Our Approach.

Relab’s way is a unique blend of design thinking principles, design sprint methodologies and agile practices.
Create compelling products and teams

Our approach to uplift your design strategies and customer experience is holistic.

We’ll help you master building products your customer needs. We’ll trim sloppy processes and revamp inefficient workflows while upskilling your team to create a kickass culture of collaboration and creativity.

We do this by using design thinking principles that puts users in the spotlight, an iterative process called design sprint, and an agile mindset. It’s about championing bold ideas, but in incremental shifts instead of risky exponential changes. We adapt to your requirements, and will meet you where you are, remote or in-person.

How we do it around here.



We don’t do anything without a reason. We use strategic thinking to look at the big picture, unveil opportunities and increase efficiency in your product design strategies.



We like the data to speak for themselves, rather than taking uncalculated risks. You’ll be led by critical user feedback and insightful research.



We don’t see anything wrong with new failures. Our iterative process embraces continuous improvements to create products with a positive impact.



Empathy is the foundation of our problem-solving beliefs. Designing groundbreaking products only works when you’re seeing things from the users’ perspectives.



We will break down siloes and bring all the best ideas to one table. You’ll learn a fun and orderly way to work together for the best results.



Our rapid process cuts down work that used to take months to weeks, or even days. Because we want you to outpace your competitors and be a market leader.

Structured Programs. Result Oriented. Zero waste.


Client satisfaction rate


Laser focused programs

We know you hate spending hours in meetings without much result. That’s why we’ve designed programs around our core processes and approach. They are structured such that you can make the right decisions in hours and produce results in days.

Whether you need to test a product idea, build products quickly, rework your design strategy or rejig your organisation to boost customer experience, we’ll guide you through our programs – all for a fixed price without wasting time and resources.

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Program & Service Enquiry

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