Property Reviewed

Improving residential property seeking experience through an enhanced, peer-to-peer review platform

Category: B2CDesign SprintTechnology
Scope of work: Design SprintDesign Strategy & ConsultationUser ResearchUX DesignUI DesignPrototypingTesting & Validation
Product: Property Reviewed Website
Converting the ‘unknowns’ into unbiased property insights, Property Reviewed aspires to make real estate more transparent - one review at a time.

Property Reviewed empowers property seekers with verified tenant reviews, eliminating guesswork in property searches. Relab's strategic design program ensures a systematic and risk-mitigated product optimisation journey. Through user-centred mindset, digital expertise, and expert collaboration Property Reviewed is looking to pave its way into becoming a leader in the Australian property insights and review industry.

The user needs

The current landscape in the market comes with a lot of unknowns with valuable information that are hidden behind closed doors. Buyers and renters are not preview to historical facts of the property they're about to purchase or rent. Some information are critical that it can impact their long term experience with the property.

With verified reviews from tenants or occupiers, Property Reviewed believes in providing more power to property seekers through genuine reviews that allow them to take the guesswork out of searching for a property and be able to make informed decisions on their investments.

The business needs

Property Reviewed is the first Australian online review platform for the property industry, providing transparent and unbiased reviews from an end user experience perspective, such as tenants.

We understand that Property Reviewed saw a gap and the opportunity to be a trusted platform that meets the needs of both the buyer/renter and the landlord/agent; with the view of one day being a benchmark to real property reviews and can influence property market value in Australia.

Our approach
Results-focused Design Sprint program

Within 1 month, the team at Property Reviewed and Relab co-designed a solution – a vision of what a great experience might look and feel like. We rapidly understood the landscape, user pain points and frustrations, aligned our vision and finally created a high fidelity design prototype and experience flow that are specific to the business goal and user needs.

Through 1-to-1 user interview sessions, coupled with team observation & note taking in parallel – We were able to gain both qualitative and quantitative insights that helped us with the synthesis and summary presented in this document.

Qualitative user testing research

Applying the 5 act interview method for the qualitative research, we managed to capture real user insights early on, which were valuable to gain as a reference to structure the newly improved experience and solution. Testers that are gathered have been carefully selected to cover various aspects or traits of the persona.

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user journey mapping

Visualising the experience

Leveraging from the discovery and research stages, the Design Sprint team mapped out the ideal customer journey stages to ensure that both customer needs and business goals are streamlined. Most importantly, the team decided on a focus area within the user journey, that is seen to be the most important part of the idea to prototype and further test.

define and brainstorm
Rapid ideation. Solid decisions.

Upon clear understanding of the challenge, the team brainstorm ideas to generate a range of solutions fit to solve the problem. At the end of the session, participants vote on the best idea to proceed with.

Design Blueprint
Creating user flows through storyboarding

Winning ideas and solutions are then expanded and perfected into a well structured storyboard where the flow and narrative of the end product starts to take shape.

The outcome

User-validated vision prototype

Results and insights within 30 days

The Design Sprint process allows Property Reviewed to rapidly gain valuable insights and clear direction worth actioning.

Clear requirements ready for production

The process provided clarity on priorities against their roadmap, enabling them to manage investment better.

Fostering a user-centric culture

The collaborative and user-centric process inspired individuals to instil and adopt the human-centred values.

There's so much fulfilment and satisfaction in the work that we do simply by facilitating clarity, confidence and capability. For an early stage start-up like Property Reviewed, sometimes that's all you need to succeed.
Alvin HermantoPrincipal, Relab

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