maX is a B2B online business management system that allows their customers to easily search for products, create quotes, place orders and track deliveries.

Relab was approached by Reece Group to lead the redesign of one of its most important digital assets – the maX mobile app.

We facilitated a 5-day Design Sprint workshop to deliver a high fidelity prototype that was relevant, specific and tested by real users.
To uncover customer pain points and build empathy in the project teams, various preliminary research were conducted including User Testing of the previous app, a review of analytics insights, ‘shadowing’ customer personas and reviews of the previous app workflows. Based on the findings, we recommended Reece to implement a Google Ventures methodology known as the Design Sprint, which is a process of rapid prototyping and user testing to validate ideas or solve problems as a team.
At the end of the session, the business saw high value insights, feedback and suggestions that informed the next steps of the project. A few smaller execution sprints were carried further to expand on the product design. Throughout the process, our design team at Relab worked closely with Reece Tech mobile engineering team to execute and produce both iOS and Android versions of the new maX mobile app.
Fast forward to launch, the result was a simple, intuitive design that offers complete visibility on every transactions. The Reece maX app is now seen as an industry benchmark, a reference point and an aspiration to many – renowned as one of the best B2B platforms in Australia.
Ready to craft the perfect blueprint for your project?
Let's discuss your needs and explore how we can tailor our solution to best fit you. Schedule a pre-discovery call to learn more.

Fast & Easy Product Browsing
Designed for Reece maX trade-specific audience. Smart and intuitive browsing recommendations that allow users to find products easily, access important product information and make quick purchase decisions.

User-tailored Experience
Personalised dashboard along with relevant user behaviour data that provides information on upcoming orders & deliveries, recently searched products and more.

Real-time Order Updates
When the stakes are as high as they are in the building and plumbing industries, users need the highest level of clarity on the status of their materials and when they’ll arrive.