Upon completing the Snooza brand identity refresh, our team at Relab was tasked to redesign and build Snooza’s new website experience. Retaining Snooza's original brand essence, while evolving into an easy-to-use, intuitive, data-led and scalable Ecommerce platform was the key objective of this project.

Evolving Snooza’s website into a modern, user-centric and scalable Ecommerce platform.
Equipped with a solid understanding of the brand DNA, we commenced our process by validating a list of desired business features against a typical Snooza customer journey.
We wanted to innovate within the intersection of the business requirements and user needs, so we facilitated a prioritisation session to collaboratively decide on group of features/pages that are to be broken down to multiple build phases. The priorities were set based on its level of Impact to the business and on how much Effort was needed to achieve them. This Impact/Effort prioritisation method allows both Snooza and Relab as a team to make objective decisions that are aligned with each other.
Through a simple and methodical work process that was carried since the project Discovery all the way through to Design, Development and Deployment, the team constantly assess the progress through rigorous rounds of testing, demo and iterations, that brought us to the successful launch of the new Snooza website.
Overall, the user experience highlights ease of use and practicality. From the homepage and global navigation, the well responsive website design allows users to easily navigate through popular ways of browsing and shopping for a pet products, resulting in users being able to get to where they need to go in no time. On product pages, product selection with meaningful information and decision points lead towards better conversion rate performances. In addition, company profile and value pages are designed to tell the Snooza story in a thoughtful and engaging way – all consistent with the Snooza brand vision.

Practical browsing experience
Product navigation, filtering and sorting are made accessible and easy to use, allowing users to find relevance in their browsing.
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Easy product selection
Product browsing and selection process designed to look and feel simple, just enough for users to make the right purchase decisions.

Meaningful brand stories
Snooza profile and brand value presented throughout theh website in thoughtful and engaging way.